There's a song that has been on my cellphone for a long time now, but it's only yesterday that the meaning of the lyrics strike my heart... It was sung by Steve Green and I thought of sharing it to you, here it goes...
Give me ears to hear Your Spirit
Give me feet to follow through
Give me hands to touch the hurting
And the faith to follow You
Give me grace to be a servant
Give me mercy for the lost
Give me passion for Your glory
Give me passion for the cross
And I will go where there are no easy roads
Leave the comforts that I know
I will go and let this journey be my home
I will go, I will go
I'll let go of my ambition
Cut the roots that run too deep
I will learn to give away
What I cannot really keep
What I cannot really keep
Help me see with eyes of faith
Give me strength to run this race
I will go Lord where Your glory is unknown
I will live for You alone
I will go because my life is not my own
I will go, I will go, I will go
Father, when thoughts of giving up come and visit me, You are the Hope I am clinging to... You showed Your strength when I am weak and You are the source of my strength. Thank You for showering me favor after favor. Thank You for opening up the Heavens and pouring out Your blessings. Thank You for smiling down on me.
Thank You for guiding me when I can not see and I am blinded by the mountains in front of me. You have said in Your word, that my faith in You can move mountains... I look to You just as a servant look to the hands of its master... You are my Lord, guide me I pray, strengthen the feeble hands... make me wise by knowing You and Your percepts everyday. Thank You for the unmerited favor. I can not and will not live without You in my life. Help me see with eyes of faith and give me strength to run this race ... I'm letting go of my ambitions and laying it into Your hands. I see my victory in You. ===============================================