I've long wanted to start a scrapbook but wasn't able to do so due to a very busy schedule. Not until 7th of March that I was able to buy illustration board to make my own "scrapbook album". Yup, I want it to be personalized and inexpensive. Normally, a scrapbook album cost ranges from P800 to P 3,000 or more.
I've got the chance to drop by at National Bookstore in Makati and bought a 1/2 sized illustration board plus a special paper and some clips to fasten it.
Here's the finished product.
And now, I was able to make my first scrapbook page (whoah! after a month... 07 April 2008 hahaha!). It was taken when I was 2 years of age, 01 January 1978. Originally, the picture was taken together with my cousins. But I thought, it would be better if I'll be solo there. I asked a photoshop to edit the picture sometime in 2004 or 2005. I had a bear-y cute smile...

I hope my 2nd-page scrapbook would take that long before I finish it... hehehe
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