July 28, 2007

i believe...

shelby was an attractive woman in her mid30's who genuinely desired to be married. she had prayed and prayed but had never even had a serious relationship with a man. in fact, she hadn't been out on a date within the last 2 or 3 years. she was tempted to be discouraged, assuming that nothing was happening and that she might spend the remainder of her life as a single woman.

but one night, she was driving home from work when she had a flat tire and had to pull her car over to the side of the freeway. a few seconds later, another car pulled over behind her, and out stepped a handsome, young man. he not only changed shelby's flat tire, he also invited her out to dinner.

about a year later, they got married and today they are wonderfully happy and in love.

now think about the odds such an occurrence. that certainly was not an accident or a coincidence. that was God at work in the lives of two young adults. God is always at time. her tire had to go bad at just the right time. there had to be just the right amount of traffic on the freeway. that young man had to catch just the right elevator leaving the office. he had to go down to the split second in order for his car to be shortly behind shelby's, when the tire went flat. God is making things happen. just stay in an attitude of faith and in His timing.

i've had had my share of men courting me, but i am still waiting for the man God has promised to me sometime in 2003. God promised to give me a man after His own heart. and when i asked God how would i know or recognize "him"? He replied, "just like a banner raised on a mountaintop, you will see it or just like when a trumphet sounds, you will hear it." that when love knocks at the door of my heart, i will clearly recognize it...... but for now, i will wait and have faith... i believe...